Student Life Documents

About the Office of Student Life

We in the Office of Student Life encourage you to get involved in our clubs, activities and organizations. Whether you are a full-fledged member of one or more clubs or someone who participates in special events, our programs broaden the scope of your perspective and can help to round out your overall attitude about high school.

One of the many great aspects of our programs is the opportunity for you to join clubs throughout the year. While many are yearlong, there are also organizations that have more short term commitments. Once you choose what interests you, GET INVOLVED! This will provide you with invaluable connections to your peers, advisors and the school while strengthening your commitment to academic excellence and your leadership skills.

The Office of Student Life is here to support your success by providing opportunities for you to get involved. Your active participation in our organizations and activities will help to enhance your communication, organizational and planning skills while encouraging you to pursue excellence in all that you do.

“Getting Involved” is what it’s all about. Social relationships, meaningful experiences beyond the school day and feeling connected to something bigger helps nurture your self esteem and builds our school community. We can assure you, there is something for everyone here in North Star Country.

It is the intent of the activities, clubs, organizations and the administration that no person shall be excluded from participation or be denied benefits or be subjected to discrimination under the educational program or activities described herein.

All students enrolled are eligible to participate in our Student Life program.

All students participating in extracurricular activities, clubs, organizations and events MUST have a completed Code of Conduct card on file in the Office of Student Life. These cards are filled out yearly and are available in the Office of Student Life. This is mandatory as all involved in extracurricular programs are role models and our local community admires and respects you as champion citizens for your commitment to the development of a positive school culture and climate. Academic eligibility requirements must be met weekly as well.

Students interested in any of the organizations should listen to the daily announcements, check the hallway kiosk near the nurses’ office, check out flyers in the hallways or visit the Office of Student Life for more information.

Office of Student Life Staff

RL Rebecca La Porta

Assistant Principal for Student Life

LS Libby Sutherland

Administrative Assistant to Assistant Principal of Student Life

Deans' Office

Our Purpose: to ensure and promote a learning environment where students are safe, confortable and ready to learn.

If you have a question or a concern, please don't hesitate to contact your son or daughter's Dean directly.

The primary functions of the Deans' Office are:

  • student behavior
  • attendance
  • lockers
  • lost and found
  • parking
  • school safety   

Deans are assigned to students as follows:

Student Last Name (A-G): Mike Tomczak
Student Last Name (H-O): Andrew Herrera
Student Last Name (P Z): Maya Chavez 

Deans' Office Staff

MT Michael Tomczak

Dean of Students (A-Gr)

AH Andrew Herrera

Dean of Students (Gu-Peo)

KK Kelsey Keith

Dean of Students (Per-Z)

MF Mary Finn

Administrative Assistant to the Deans Office

CK Camille Keegan

Administrative Assistant for Attendance

GA Grisel Arias

Administrative Assistant - Attendance